Thursday, October 29, 2009

CITYSCAPE 2, 9097, abstracted city rooftops and architecture by Carol Nelson, Colorado, USA

This is a larger version of the DSFDF photo of city roof tops. The first version I did is much smaller and is a mixed media piece - see blog entry of 10/18/2009. This one is on canvas and it simply acrylic paints and modeling compound . I've been working on this painting for about two weeks and it has undergone numerous transformations. I am finally happy with the result.

Being an abstracted version of the photo, it is all about patterns, negative space, and focal point. As you can see the complexity of the shapes increases to the right and slightly below the middle of the painting. Rotating the painting to a vertical format yields an equally interesting composition.

The colors evolved on their own. The reference photo was mostly subtle tones of blue, grey and yellow. Most of my work is not subtle in terms of palette! I love strong value contrasts so I was able to go nuts with this one.
For purchase information, please see my website.

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