Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Little Miss M. Makes Peace With The Arachnid Nation by Brenda York

36x24" oil on canvas

I really had to face my fears in painting this one--I don't have much integrity when it comes to spiders. In fact, I act all girly. Not a pretty sight. But my daughter has convinced me that we should not smash them in an act of pure power over nature. No, we should lovingly catch and re-direct them to the out-of-doors because they were here first. So she and I are spiders re-directors which requires a lot of squealing and flapping of the hands. It's a tough job. So even though this is a painting of Little Miss Muffet, it's also a little bit me. Our secret.

To see more of my Fairy Tale series please visit my website. Enjoy!

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